Page name: Gods Of Elfpack [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-27 20:47:26
Last author: Ultra Hunger
Owner: Ultra Hunger
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Gods Of Elfpack / God Registration / List Of Gods / List Of Gods II / Gods Of Elfpack Banquet
Gods Of Elfpack Banners / Gods Of Elfpack Temples / Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions
Gods Of Elfpack Arena / Gods Of Elfpack Crew


Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-08-03 [Ultra Hunger]: loud silence whats your wiki? i'll get myself "banned" from it

2005-08-03 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ,lol..please dont make me ban you from my wiki or start anything go find someone who you hate and start a fight in their wiki..not mine i didnt do anyhting wrong..

2005-08-03 [Ultra Hunger]: ya I know.

2005-08-03 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Lol...but I will tell you what my wiki is if you promise not to start shit..I dont think anyone is in there right now

2005-08-03 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what is that?

2005-08-03 [Ultra Hunger]: did you click it?

2005-08-03 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ewww..gross...damn it MC!!!I THINK IM GOING TO THROUGH UP...

2005-08-03 [Ultra Hunger]: trow up?

2005-08-03 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha yeah it is repulsive isn't it? my friend jumped on my computer one night and changed my background to that.

2005-08-03 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: going to throw up..ewww mental image ..get it out get it out damn it !!!!!

2005-08-03 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: stop it!i aint clicking on it again..

2005-08-03 [Shadowsoul]: *yawns* morning everyone

2005-08-03 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Dont click the link MC posted above..and good morning..

2005-08-03 [Shadowsoul]: okay

2005-08-03 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Lol...If you knew what it was you wouold thank me...

2005-08-03 [Shadowsoul]: probably *yawns again*

2005-08-03 [Ultra Hunger]: don't ruin the surprise for everyone

2005-08-04 [Shadowsoul]: i don't know what it is

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: click it and find out you'll love it

2005-08-04 [Shadowsoul]: i don't think i want to know what it is

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: yes you do the suspence is killing you. I know what it is A loud silence knows what it is. but you don't

2005-08-04 [Shadowsoul]: *twitches slightly*

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: did you click it?

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: [skullhead] don't make wiki changed without running it by me first I am still the owner thank you

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: yeah he's got a BAD habit of just deleting Items that he doesn't like..i think you should change the pass on here so he can't do that

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: I probably should

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: hiya everybody,

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: No way no how, I already know whats there. Nice one though

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: dont' click it whatever you do

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: I'm not, I'm no fool, he's gonna have to get another fool.

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha ha. my asshole friend changed that to my background once. pissed me off

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: it's HORRIBLE

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: I would have kicked his ass

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: lol

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: yeah hes abnoxious he enjoys pissing people off

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: I don't mine watching 3 man go at it, but OMFG, not oldies.

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha ha. yeah i know what you mean atleast 30 and under

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: yep, that's a complete turn off.

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: ...your both disgusting....guys doing anything is a turn off

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: maybe to you becasue your straight as an arrow but i'm sorta like an S

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: maybe to you, not to me.

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: [Ultra Hunger] your screen name alone gives away that your not stright man

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha thats awsome

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: no acatually Man Cans are Man Boobs

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: What's wrong with being gay.

2005-08-04 [Undertow]:'s still pretty obvious you not straight though..and nothings wrong with being gay..i just dont' care to see's not something most straight guys ever want to see in thier life

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: did me sticking my tongue in your ear give it away that I wasn't straight Undertow?

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: lol that was a joke

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: I understand, but its all around, what you gonna do, walk around with blinders.

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: yes i know that was..and no thankfully i live in a town of about 150,000 poeple and i can tell what guys are gay/bi just by looking at them in most cases and know just not to bother them and if they bug me tell them i'm not gay and keep doing what i was doing

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: I wish I lived where you lived. it would be easyer to pick up guys

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: I have lots of gay friends and they don't hit on straights unless that straight is coming on to them.

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: hook me up

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: not really all they guys that are gay/bi are the equivilant to thier friends in every way except they're gay guys not super preppy cheerleader girls

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: my friends are not super preppy cheerleader girls, they are normal look just like you. And [Ultra Hunger], you live to far away for me to hook you up.

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: yeah well girls in waco seem to gravitate to all of the gay/bi guys and change everything that they thought they could about them...they gay guys laughingly listen to some of the best techno out of anyone here...they also used to dress liek everyone they're more flaming than any of the straight guys ever thought they could it's like..."oh fuck" when they start coming around us and used to be.."okay no gay jokes"

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: ain't the same here, my friends are normal looking, being gay didn't change them, nor being bi. 

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: well it's just the gay guys that are liek that...they gay/bi girls here are still cool as fuck..every guys knows they would be getting any more than liekly but we all still aknowledge them as members of our little area outside at lunch

2005-08-04 [Shatureel]: I hang with straights, gays and bi's and its all good. We have a great time.

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: yeah well they stick to there own little group..mainly b/c they're just "goth kids" sitting around trying to get shocks out of people by making out with each other and honestly when they finnaly figure out that it's not as "cool" as they think it is or thier music gliorfies it they all otu stop hanging out with those poeple and don't do anything even remotely gay ever again (most of the girls are freshmen "goths" trying to get attention of the JR and SR guys (me and any one of my friends) and honestly if any of us wanted a freshman we would have gone over there already

2005-08-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: ??????

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: you need to read quite a few comments to be able to understand any of that i know

2005-08-04 [Shadowsoul]: huh?

2005-08-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: something about gay people and goth people...

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: yeah I acatually hate when gays try to out gay eachother. its annoying and you just want to slap them.

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Morning everyone..

2005-08-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]:'s 4:25 in the evening...

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Where you are..Well when i posted that it was..hmm..11 something..right now it is 3:36m in texas..

2005-08-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I am in michigan...

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Really?Cool..Is it raining there?

2005-08-04 [Undertow]: i live in the dallas's bright and hot as fuck outside

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I live 50miles south of houston,It has been raining for a month but it hasnt much this week i heard thunder earlier adn I am praying that we dont get rain anymore...the morons on the news say we need more rain!They are fucking idiots!we have had so much rain that streets adn shit were flooded and while they were flooded they said we still needed rain..OMFG!I almost flipped when i heard that..I swear i will break down in tears if it rains at the track tommorow.I NEED to smell the burn out smoke and alcohol fuel and hear the cars and feel th eadrenaline rush,It has been a month since the last time i did..*sighs8 and i miss it so much..

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: Tomorrow is the last day for voting and anyone who voted for number 3 is not gonna be counted. change your vote

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Hello more nastly gross links today I hope..

2005-08-04 [Serena]: wow, an EP god crew. I would like to be part of that

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Lol..So far it is MC and [skullhead]

2005-08-04 [skullhead]: go to Gods Of EP Crew Wannabe

2005-08-04 [Serena]: I figured that one, but I feel like I want to help

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I want to too but i doubt i have a chance in hell..

2005-08-04 [skullhead]: That’s a risk you have to take

2005-08-04 [Serena]: Im willing, just as you are to be part of the EP crew Skull, btw I signed your petition

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I am willing lol..I want to do saomething im starting to get bored..either helping somewere to keep me busy or im going to have to make a another

2005-08-04 [Ultra Hunger]: wait i'm not gonna just pick people becasue they want a job they have to prove they can do it.

2005-08-04 [Serena]: That sounds resonable

2005-08-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: How would you have to prove it?

2005-08-04 [skullhead]: You can make a new banner for the main hall [Serena]

2005-08-04 [Serena]: but of course, and when would you like it? Anything you want on it or is it up to me?

2005-08-04 [skullhead]: Something that replace this one <img:> but it must say Gods of Elfpack on it and it be good if it was transparent

2005-08-04 [iCh3wi]: Urgh i hate this storm, Ican only be online for a bit.

2005-08-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Lol..HAHA it aint raining here for once *knocks on wood*

2005-08-05 [bluefaerie]: yeah, here either...*yoy*

2005-08-05 [skullhead]:


2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: hiya everybody, how we doing today

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: super!

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: great so whats happening, big ONE

2005-08-05 [Serena]: I got a couple done, but Im having a problem with transparency.

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: YOU FAIL!

2005-08-05 [Serena]: *cries* no! lol

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: she didn’t fail she needs some help but she’s got potential

2005-08-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Lol..ok...hwo is everyone?

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: we are ok thanks for asking

2005-08-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thats good,I finally got on after fighting my little sister for the computer,always fun*says sarcastically*

2005-08-05 [Serena]: i asked a few people about that issue Skull

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: The transparent issue?

2005-08-05 [Serena]: yeah

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: I have issues

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: ...sorry i just wanted a little attention

2005-08-05 [Serena]: *hugs MC* is that good enough? lol

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: thas ok

2005-08-05 [Serena]: <img:>  here is another one that I am messing with

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: I think it needs more of a 3D look to it. And the moon and the stars are a bit off the Gods look

2005-08-05 [Shadowsoul]: that's cool!

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: Nice colors

2005-08-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: this wiki is impressive

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: Lots of changes going on.

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: I need two banners one that says God Regestration. and one that says Gods Of Elfpack Crew. try to make them a little smaller than a CD case.

2005-08-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: is this wiki going through puberty?

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: The Main Hall is getting full and I think we should take a vote. should we take some of the banners down?

2005-08-05 [Serena]: I did it....Look! <img:>

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: thats pretty cool

2005-08-05 [Serena]: ty

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: I like the golden flames

2005-08-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: that's SEXY

2005-08-05 [Serena]: Skull is this what you are talking about?

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: honestly...who asked you skullhead??? they look fine and yeah a vote on the banners is agood idea...even if it was kinda taken from a recommend i made a few weeks ago lol

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: yes!

2005-08-05 [Serena]: I figured it out!

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: WOW Everytime I pop in somethings changed.

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: What is your problem UT

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: I'm playing around with stuff to see how it looks thats why

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: your always belittling other peoples banners...honestly some of your fuckin' suck so stop telling others how to make thier pisses people off

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: I can tell.

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: It pisses you off dot take it oute on me if you cant make good banners

2005-08-05 [Serena]: umm.....

2005-08-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: if it makes a difference, I think all the banners are SEXY

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: hey MC..the pink of w/e looks strange on here... i think more of a "royal color" like a dark blue,drak green, or dark purple might look pretty cool

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: Are you guys going to start agruing again, can't you all just get along.

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: honestly there were nothing wrong with my were the only one that didn't like them and you PUNK ASS went and deleted EVERY one of them with some equally as shitty ones in my opinion...your arena banner is a fucking joke compared to mine

2005-08-05 [Serena]: I was trying to get deep purples and blues....but the gold and green just looked so MC, did you need a couple more banners?

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: yeah i know what you mean about gold and green my class rings are both gold and green

2005-08-05 [Serena]: my class ring is sliver and blue

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: I like the new signs.

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: i've ogt two for some stupid reason (both GP bought one for me) one's got an engine and a bull on either side with an emerald and musical notes under it and then the other has a trumpet and the drama masks (and is too small) with another emerald on top only it's circle cut and my big one is square, i can where the big one on my ring finger with no problem but the other one only fits as a pinky ring

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: Don’t worry making banners is not my job anymore asswipe

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: wewe should vote on some Gods of elfpack colors. I don't really like the spacers. they don't look godly enough

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: mines gold and red, with a red bird on one side and a torch on the other.

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: i think the EP grey and a darker color like purple, green, or blue would look pretty cool

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: I was thinking like Silver

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: with the EP grey??? idk that might look might look better

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: Gold would be better, to match the flames on the new sign

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: will have to do some color samples and take a vote

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: indeed, but yeah i think she's right though

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: that can be the next poll after this quotre contest ends tomorrow

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: Yep I am right, it would be perfect, gold for the God's

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: I think #5 is gonna win because the idiots who voted for number 3 won't change there votes

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: yep gold and a dark green or dark purple for smaller things would be pretty cool a gold or purple boarder with the opposite color on the letters

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: yeah me too

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: The following people have to change there votes before tomorrow...[FalseReality], [death how i long to embrace you], [hytrjuhytjhgjg], [Serena], [Capture And Embrace.], [craig Yo]

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: that sounds dope

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: i haven't talked to [FalseReality] since sunday..he went back home to waco on tuesday and is most definately been partying hard since he got back (he hasn't been home all summer)

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: and i don't think danny's punk-ass counts either b/c he's not even welcome here anymore

2005-08-05 [Serena]: i have been busy making banners i had forgotten

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: ok just remember to change it

2005-08-05 [Serena]: I just did, so MC did you say we needed a couple new banners?

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: he's MIA at the moment..i think xena comes on at this time b/c he gets off EVERY night at this time

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: And everybody knows how he loves Xena

2005-08-05 [Serena]: oh well should I make the ons for the crew and the regstration anyways?

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: indeed, this is a WELL known fact

2005-08-05 [Serena]: I will try to finish them tonight, but not gurentees, been a bit busy today lol

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: it's alright you've made quite a few banners...just post them whenever you get finished..don't feel rushed..not everyone spits out prefab click-art banners like skullhead...some of us actually have to find and edit our pictures the hard way

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: I'm just learning how to make banners, its fun.

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: yeah i'm not the best on the world at it...honestly i have one wiki that i started days after i got here on EP and still am yet to make a banner that i personally like..i'm really picky when it comes to things like that

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: Serenity don’t take advice from that’s asshole his mad at something

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: I like it, i've done a few for my friends and some for my temple

2005-08-05 [Ultra Hunger]: [Serena] You need th change your vote

2005-08-05 [Serena]: I dont want to be in the middle guys....I like to keep the peace around here

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: She already did

2005-08-05 [Serena]: i did MC

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: i'm not mad at shit...just about every banner you made came from click-art or photo-shop i've personally seen the "house Rules" banner in an older version of click-art that my 11 year-old sister uses, mine i atleast made from a real may have been similar to crowe's but atleast i was origional about something that SOMEONE ELSE IN HERE said that i could make on my own

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: I agree with Serenity, you guys bicker to much

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: i bitch b/c this fucker gets away with too much shit when someone else is charged with making something you don't go in behind them and delete what they made..that's fucking WEAK

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: I don't get it, why does everything have to be a fight

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: i'm pretty quiet about shit normally but when someone does/says something that i don't like i will stand up and say something

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: You quit, thats a laugh, since i've been here, all i've seen is arguements, I thought this was suppose to be the God's of Elfpack, not the kiddy playground

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: I don’t have to fight with UT am the wiki Organizer and that stupid asshole is nothing!

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: See what i mean, he bitches, then you bitch, and then he goes and then you and it never ends.

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: actually all i try to do is stop drama unless something really pisses me off and most of my arguments i put a stop to and skull...the last time i checked you CAN'T DO SHIT to this wiki either so STFU

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: you sound like little boys. I'm outta here. Later all.

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: ...later

2005-08-05 [skullhead]: I can do a lot more than you can shithead

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: yeah b/c your lazy fuckin' ass uses clip-art

2005-08-05 [Shatureel]: Oh yea before i go, Ut I like the Arena Banner, its way cool, bye

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: thanks

2005-08-05 [Serena]: hey, I have an idea...should the Registration banner have gates or a scroll and quill?

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: yeah..sounds cool, the gates one..only make something like whoever it is in the bible that stands at the gates make like a glowing hooded figure with a scoll if you can find something like that

2005-08-05 [Serena]: i can try....but i found the gates off a doll site...the just looked right

2005-08-05 [Undertow]: it's alright it's your banner to make

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